1 Slot Available- Earliest Onboarding Date: 09/18/24

(202) 449-8665

Holistic Cybersecurity Services

Sleep Better at Night Knowing Your Legacy is Protected

It’s all over the news: Cyber criminals are taking advantage of hard working, honest people like you and your employees. They may even go after your clients. Struggling with the complexity and expense of even basic security can seem like a nightmare; you can rest easy knowing that you now have a true partner ready to protect every computer, phone, and human your business relies on, even when you sleep. Welcome to holistic, frustration free cybersecurity.

Clients Successfully Hacked

Hack Proof Guarantee

Days of Constant Vigilance


A Unified Overview of Your Cybersecurity Measures

Packaged, Managed, Simplified

Know Your Risks: Information is Power

All journies begin with a comprehensive Cybersecurity Risk Assessment. Never feel left in the dark again, or caught unaware; it’s time to shine light on the root cause of your frustrations and achieve clarity knowing there is a way forward to a better, brighter, more secure future.

cybersecurity risk assessment report card detailing how a company ranks based on best cybersecurity and compliance practices.
phishing prevention popup showing thousands of blocked phishing, quishing, and smishing attempts.

Every Human, Fully Protected

True security is about protecting what matters most in your business: your employees, clients, and stakeholders. You can rest easy knowing our team of battle tested experts stands guard at every email, file, and website. We intercept fraud, phishing, and malicious actors before they even hit your inbox.

Become Safer Than Your Competitors

What’s more reassuring than knowing you could be protected from devastating zero-day, instant hack vulnerabilities five whole months before Microsoft fixed the problem? Our experts develop patches that actively stop hackers in their tracks before major companies like Microsoft get around to fixing them.

advanced email security blocking and preventing email based malware before it effects a user.
Superior M365 email and sharepoint data loss prevention.

Keep it Secret, Keep it Safe

Sometimes the biggest risks to our business can be from the ones we trust most, and often, it’s entirely accidental. Worry about your service delivery, client satisfaction, and reaching your goals- not Sally in HR accidentally sending everyone’s SSN to her mailing list, again.

Expertise At Your Fingertips: 24/7

Our battle tested experts (many armed forces veterans) are well-versed in the latest cybersecurity technologies and best practices as well as compliance frameworks. By partnering with Ikigai One, you turn cybersecurity from a business concern into a strategic advantage.

Give Hackers the Boot

Hackers LOVE living off the land making their homes inside your networks, systems, and apps- Your business will be equipped to evict these criminals post haste! Feel confident knowing that our team is constantly searching for tell-tale signs of their presence to keep you safe even while you sleep.

Next-Gen Unified Cybersecurity With Guaranteed Results

large image showcasing the unified protection offered by Ikigai One and our 24/7 SOC. Advanced threat hunting, remediation and response, and consistently effective protection for your business.

Don't Just Feel Safe: Protect Your Legacy Before It's Too Late.